Christmas Trees

How a Blue Christmas Tree and Tabletop Trees can Help with Holiday Trauma

How a Blue Christmas Tree and Tabletop Trees can Help with Holiday Trauma


The holiday season is usually a time of joy and celebration. Still, for many, it can bring up painful memories and trauma. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, or past events, the holidays can stir up a range of emotions that can be overwhelming.

However, research has shown that decorating a blue Christmas tree or tabletop trees can provide a therapeutic effect for people struggling with holiday trauma. In this article, we’ll explore the power of color and how decorating can soothe the mind and emotions. We’ll also delve into how this holiday décor can be used in conjunction with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to help those dealing with holiday trauma.

The Healing Power of Blue

Colors has a powerful impact on our emotions, and blue is often associated with feelings of calmness, peace, and serenity. When we see blue, our brains release chemicals that can have a soothing effect on the nervous system, reducing anxiety and stress levels.

Using a blue Christmas tree or tabletop Christmas tree as part of your holiday decorations can, therefore, have a therapeutic effect on your mental and emotional wellbeing. Not only can it evoke feelings of calm and peace, but it can also help shift your focus away from negative experiences and thoughts.

In conclusion, decorating a blue Christmas tree or tabletop trees can provide a therapeutic effect for people dealing with holiday trauma. Coupled with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques, it can help reduce anxiety and stress levels and shift focus away from negative thoughts and experiences.

So try out a blue Christmas tree or tabletop tree, and see how it makes you feel this holiday season. Remember also to seek the help of a mental health professional if you’re struggling with emotional distress during the holidays. Using holiday décor alongside CBT techniques, you can find ways to cope and create positive experiences this holiday season.

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